A Genealogy Company with a network of 45+ Professionals solving family mysteries around the globe.
Proven - Accurate - Reliable
Our Team
Quentin, our skilled and experienced professional genealogist researcher, an author, a film and video producer, a businessman, and a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) case officer. With his University of Utah degree and his work in the intelligence community gave him a deep knowledge of research and investigative techniques that he has continued to use him in later years. He has been an avid private investigator and researcher for over 40 years and has handled cases for more than 200 clients in more than 30 countries.
Joyce, our 40+ year veteran researcher has been accredited by the Family History Library and by ICAPGEN in Isle of Man and English genealogy research since 1992. In addition, she is extremely knowledgeable in Irish, Scottish, U.S. and other genealogical searches. Well experienced in genealogy, family history, and tracing roots. She is an extremely effective researcher and often ask for by name by new customers.
Kim, is a gifted family historian and an internationally respected qualitative researcher with an interest in social history. She has conducted genealogical research for over 20 years and as professional for the past 10 years. Kim has a doctoral degree in the social sciences and a post-graduate diploma in genealogical studies. Having a Metis heritage, she has a significant interest in Metis, Native American, French-American/Canadian, Creole and early American/Canadian genealogy.
Customers describe Kim as a problem solver.
4 Reasons Why You Might Need a Genealogy Company
You have questions about your family tree and we can help.
Solve Brick Walls
Most people who have spent time working on their family tree have at least one line that seems to be at a complete dead end - known as a "brick wall" - they need help breaking it down. Our team of specialists have experience solving difficult genealogical problems. They have the knowledge and skills to get past them. Many of these brick walls require in-depth research in land, tax and/or probate records, and most of those records are still not available online.
Apply to Lineage Societies
Many people are interested in joining lineage societies such as the Sons or Daughters of the American Revolution (SAR/DAR), Mayflower Society, etc. Each of these societies has different requirements for membership, but they all have fairly strict policies on documentation. We can help you collect the documentation you need to submit a successful application to whichever lineage society you might be interested in.
Save Time
Genealogy is a lot fun once you figure out some of the basics. Quickly you’ll come to release that it’s also very time consuming and there are many sleepless nights ahead of you. We get this a lot from customers, they state how they cannot stop thinking about this one connection while lying in bed for hours and hours. Improvements in technology has allowed companies to place many records online (birth, death, marriage, adoption, etc.); however, not all records are online. This is one of the main reasons why sometimes a branch cannot get solved. A company like Record Click, who specializes in online and offline records, is required to conduct a search. Based on the many years of our team member's experience, you can imagine how much time can be saved in your research.
We can help you save a lot of time, not only, in the USA, but also, other countries. Such, Italy, Germany, UK, Scotland, Ireland, England, Russian, Ukraine, and much more.
Overcome Language Barriers/Foreign Research
For those who live in the United States, Canada or Australia, and many who live in other parts of the world as well, it’s a fact that at some point your ancestors came from another location and spoke a language you may not know. You’ll also find that within one country you might have records written in a variety of languages. Companies, such as Record Click, have team members who speak and read many different languages, so they can trace your ancestry beyond their immigration and into their country of origin. They also have onsite agents that they work with who can visit archives and libraries in other locations when needed, rather than you having to plan an expensive trip overseas to find that one record about your great-great-grandmother.
We are Professional Genealogists
At Record Click we can help you with your genealogical research needs via our array of genealogy services.
Our company includes a diverse genealogy team that are Accredited, Credentialed, Professional, and experienced specialists who can help you break open your family tree and find your diverse family heritage to reveal your unique family history.
A genealogy company shouldn't only be about local searching, that's why our diverse team includes specialists from all across the United States and all across the globe. Regardless, if your ancestral background is from Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, or other parts of the globe; we can help you break open your family tree.
Our expertise is record retrieval! You can ask our researchers about your ancestors around the world, geographical migrations, marriages, affairs of the heart, medical family tree, death records, land deeds, assets, and much more.
Why a Professional Genealogist?
As you may already know, they are individual skilled in various aspects of family history research who provides fee-based services to help others in the pursuit of their research project. While services and areas of particular expertise will vary, most true specialists agree to abide by a code of ethics to help maintain the highest possible quality standards in their work. Although not required, most professionals are active in one or more professional associations. RecordClicks specialists are accredited and belong to at least one professional association, if not more.
As a professional genealogy company, you can expect these services from RecordClick:
Tracing Ancestry - Our staff can help you trace your ancestors. For example, we will be able to discover who your immigrant ancestors were and where they came from. Or, we can research one of your family lines back to a specific time period or individual. This is often helpful when people want to join a lineage society and must prove that one of their ancestors participated in a historical event such as the United States Revolutionary War.
Researching Descendants - Our staff will help you in descendancy research by identifying people who descended from a particular individual. For example, you may be a descendant of Daniel Boone and want to start a family organization of his descendants to share genealogical information. Furthermore, we can help you identify the frontiersman's descendants.
Searching Records - Save time and avoid travel costs, we are experts at record retrieval. We can help find and review the records for you. Only with proper records can you validate a linage and, or apply for any lineage society applications.
DNA Analysis - Many companies offer services to test your DNA. Researchers can help you track down candidates for DNA testing and consultants can help you interpret your results. Not only, have we help locate relatives with DNA tests, but also, lead the communications on client behalf to maintain confidentiality and privacy.
Other Services - Here are some more services we can conduct for you. See our complete list of services here:
Consulting and counseling with you about how to solve a research problem.
Deciphering handwriting on old records.
Translating foreign records.
instructing and lecturing on genealogical topics.
Computerizing genealogical information.
Abstracting and publishing records.
Finding missing people.
Our Genealogists Can Help You With Your Ancestor Research Project
If you are looking for help in your ancestor research project, we are the answer. We can help you with your ancestor research project in various ways:
Researching a specific branch or line of your family history using local and national records.
Overcoming a stubborn brick wall by reviewing your own research and checking other records and sources to identify a solution.
Accessing and transcribing a record held in local and national archives which can provide additional information for your research.
Visiting and photographing a particular location, gravestone or building relating to your family’s history.
Ancestral research services by us will complement your own research and help take the story of your family to the next stage.
Just like other companies you need to complete a full comparison before making a selection. Have a look at our process to see if we are right fit for your research; why RecordClick.
A Genealogist's Research Methods
Regardless of the type of research you engage in with RecordClick, most genealogists follow a similar research process, which is outlined below. Understanding this process will help you know what to expect from the genealogist you hire.
Defining the Research Problem - Good researcher first reviews the information you already have. They discuss your research problem with you and make sure they clearly understand what you want them to accomplish.
Developing a Research Plan - A genealogist next develops a research plan that outlines what they will do to find the information you want. Most plans consist of a prioritized list of the records the he/she will search. Research plans can be written or verbal. Your specialist should share the plan with you.
Conducting the Research - As they follow their research plans, the genealogist goes to libraries, courthouses, archives, cemeteries, and other places to search for the information. As they search, they may photocopy pertinent records or acquire official copies.
Analyzing the Findings - Researchers regularly review their research and make conclusions about what they have found. They also compare their findings with other documents to confirm or disprove conclusions.
Reporting the Findings - Periodically, researchers prepare reports about their research activities. The report should include photocopies or abstracts of important information. it may also include suggestions for continued research.
Preparing Forms - Genealogists can prepare forms such as pedigree charts, family group sheets, and applications to lineage societies. They can enter information into a genealogical computer program for you.
Sharing Results - A genealogist can help you share the results of your research. Plus, can contribute the findings to genealogical databases such as Family Tree or prepare articles or books.
Billing for Services - A genealogist bills for their services at agreed-upon intervals. Bills should clearly identify the time spent and expenses incurred on the project to date. Bills are often included with reports.
Our team of genealogists are experts at record retrieval and we can help solve any brick-walls you are facing. Furthermore, you will find that we are priced extremely competitively and that our pricing is lower than other companies offering similar services.
We can customizes your family search for the genealogical research you need, for your time frame, and for your budget. All new customers automatically get a discount.