Cost to Hire a Genealogist Near Me – Fees for Hiring a Genealogist

Genealogist Near Me
Last Updated: Jan 2024

When researching your family tree, we get asked frequently if I should consider a genealogist for hire near me or not. If you want to find your family roots, the perfect way to do it is by hiring a professional genealogist near you as it will save you time. To hire a professional you normally do so when you have a challenge either with your research, lack of the required skills or simply don’t have the time to research. It will be beneficial for you if you reached out for a professional to assist you.

As you know, genealogy is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. Also called family history. A professional genealogist is a person who traces the history of people or family lineages. At some point in your research you’re going to need to hire a professional.

The keys to finding a pro genealogist near you are similar to those applied when looking for any other professional. To start with, you need a general information on the individual, what they do and their services, and are the located near me.

How much is a genealogist, you ask? – Most genealogists charge an hourly rate from $25 to $45 per hour to well over $200 per hour, based on location, experience, research type, time constraints, and other factors. Is hourly rate the best route to take or is a project based a better approach? We’ve detailed below why and when the rate of a professional genealogist change.

What Services to Expect From a Genealogist?

There are four major services offered by professional researcher:

  • Tracing ancestry
  • Researching descendants
  • Searching for vital records, or other records
  • Running DNA tests and interpreting the results
Here is a more detailed list of genealogy services that are available.

Other services provided by many individuals may include; Deciphering ancient handwritten texts, tracking down missing persons, translating foreign records and conducting research counseling. Which ever service the individual may perform, there is one thing for certain: to do genealogy research, one should like lists. Your research project may consist of family history research, applying for a lineage society, completing a DNA test, reviewing DNA testing (also know as DNA analysis), or simply completing family research such as searching for your great grandfather.

Note that it is not a requirement by law for a researcher, even if they are near you in your state, to be licensed or certified by any entity in the government. You must do your research well to ensure that you find a individual with the of expertise you need. Many researchers are certified by the Association of Professional Genealogists.

Find a Researcher Near Me – Local Genealogy Experts

id Name first_name Research Areas last_name Research Countries email Location Country Location State Location City link Action
1 Benoit C. Benoit General Genealogy, Adoption, DNA, Immigration, Heir Connan Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain France Brittany Rennes Free Consultation
2 Stephen H. Stephen General Genealogy, Immigration, Mayflower Hersey Canada, Denmark, England, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, United States, USA Free Consultation
3 Colleen S. Colleen General Genealogy, Adoption, DNA, Immigration, Heir Stutz Norway, Sweden, United States, USA USA Utah Salt Lake City Free Consultation
4 Joyce P Joyce General Genealogy, Immigration, DAR, SAR, Mayflower Parsons United States, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, England, Australia, Hungry, USA United States Utah Salt Lake City Free Consultation
5 Kim A. Kim General Genealogy, Native American, African American, Adoption, DAR, SAR, DNA Aldridge United States, Ireland, Scotland, England, Australia, USA United States Oregon Albany Free Consultation
6 Tone H. Tone General Genealogy, Immigration Halverson Norwegian, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden United States Utah Roy Free Consultation
7 Quentin W. Quentin General Genealogy, Adoption, Heir, DNA Wells United States, Canada, Italy, USA United States Utah Salt Lake City Free Consultation
8 Nancy C Nancy General Genealogy, Heir Crandall United States, USA United States Delaware Dover Free Consultation
9 Edward S. Edward General Genealogy, Heir Short United States, USA United States California Sacramento Free Consultation
10 Megan M Megan Genealogy Genealogy, Immigration, DAR, SAR McIntyre United States, Ireland, Scotland, USA United States Delaware Newark Free Consultation
Research Areas Research Countries

Free Assessment with a Local Genealogist

Why Hire a Researcher?

Professional genealogists offer a wide range of services tailored to uncovering your family’s past. Their expertise can guide you through the complex journey of genealogy research, offering services that go beyond simple record searches. Here’s a closer look:

1. Custom Research

This is the bread and butter of a genealogist’s services. Whether you’re starting from scratch or hit a roadblock in your own serious research project, they can take on specific research tasks. This could involve tracing your lineage, uncovering the origins of an ancestor, or solving specific family mysteries. They develop a research plan, execute it, and present you with detailed findings.

2. Record Lookups

Sometimes, you might need just a single document to break through a research barrier—a birth certificate from a distant country or a will from two centuries ago. Genealogists, with their access to various archives and databases, can retrieve these crucial pieces of the puzzle.

3. DNA Test Analysis

With the rise of DNA testing, interpreting the results and understanding their implications for your family histories can be overwhelming. Genealogists skilled in genetic genealogy can analyze your DNA results, explain them in straightforward terms, and integrate this information into traditional family research, to paint a fuller picture of your heritage.

4. Lineage Society Applications

Applying to organizations like the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) or the Mayflower Society requires proving your ancestry. Genealogists can help compile and verify the necessary documentation, ensuring your application meets the strict criteria of these societies.

5. Heritage Travel Planning

Some genealogists combine research services with travel planning, helping you visit your ancestral homelands. They can pinpoint exact locations related to your ancestors and suggest places to visit, creating a deeply personal and enriching travel experience.

6. Writing and Publishing

Turning research into a compelling family history book is a dream for many. Professional genealogists can assist in writing, editing, and organizing your family’s stories into a publication-ready format, ensuring the legacy is preserved for future generations.

7. Legal Genealogy

In cases of estate settlement or unclaimed property, most genealogists can track down living heirs or prove relationships required by law. This specialized service requires a thorough understanding of both genealogical research and legal documentation.

8. Educational Workshops and Speaking

Many genealogists share their knowledge through workshops, webinars, or speaking engagements. They cover topics from beginner genealogy to advanced research techniques, helping others hone their skills.

9. Consultation Services

If you prefer to do the research yourself but need guidance, consulting with a professional genealogist can provide direction and advice. They can review your work, suggest next steps, and give other services to help you overcome obstacles.

How Genealogists are Paid?

An individual’s charges are affected by three things:

Competence – Charges are widely varied. With rates so high do not necessarily conduct better research. Most of them charge high to enable them to afford the training required to offer better service. Legitimate researchers should never promise to find the particular information you seek; it may be destroyed, missing or never existed altogether. A certified genealogist, in the United States and world wide, should be able to break through any genealogy brick walls you’re facing and uncover your family stories with well defined research goals. Furthermore, most genealogy researchers are experts at lineage society, family trees, and much more but you need to be aware of time constraints, research experience, work samples, and research process.

Professional genealogist for hire available here.

The nature of the task – Research jobs, such as researching family history or family tree, vary with complexity. For instance, Consultation may be more complex than a record search. As a result, an individual’s rates could be higher than the rates of a record searcher. Some tasks consume more time than others. If for example, the person conducting the census missed your great grandfather’s house, not even the best researcher can find his name in the census, however, the researcher would have to do a thorough search to be sure.

The market environment – The area of prowess and also the physical location of a researcher may affect their rates. For instance, a researcher who specializes in an area which not many researchers are experienced in may charge higher than a researcher whose proficiency is comparatively common. Hiring a professional in New York might cost more than one in a small town.

Cost of Hiring – Fee Layouts

When considering a professional, the fee structures and rates will vary from one individual to the other. There are those who bill as they proceed with the work, while others charge per project. Most of them will charge per hour plus expenses.

Cost of Hiring – By the Hour

Many researchers give their hourly rates based on education levels, training, their skills, experience, and credentials. Plus, if they are local or internationally located. Market conditions are also another factor they use to determine their hourly rates. Rates may go as low as $25 per hour and as high as over $120 per hour. Many of the competent professionals have an average rate of between $25 to $45 per hour. Record searchers mostly charge between $50 to $95 per hour. We’ve previously examined how much does it cost to hire a genealogist and the above pricing seems to be the norm.

Due to the varying rates, it is at times difficult to what exactly guarantees a higher charge. Generally, an individual may defensibly price higher rates if they:

  • Researchers in demand and with good experience.
  • Have a special research masterpiece like knowledge of records in another country.
  • Their credentials show exceptional skills.

In spite of the fact that researchers mostly work independently, it possible to find genealogical firms in places where there exist large repositories of records. There are many researchers around the world and across all states, so finding a professional near you should not be challenging.

Expenditure Cost for Hire a Genealogist

When researching your family history or your family tree, many professionals charge for the expenses incurred during their operations. The mostly incurred expenses include:

  • Cost of copying documents.
  • Charges by other researchers paid to conduct research of records in far cities.
  • Transportation, meals, and accommodations.
  • Fees paid to repositories and other record amenities.
  • Cost for things like postage, secretarial services, and supplies.

Paying your Professional

Payment methods differ depending on the fee layout. Most research individuals ask for a retainer for they commence on the work, they then work and bill against the retainer until it all spent, they ask the client to pay another retainer and continue working.

It is highly recommended to hire a genealogist who is local to you since the process is simple and easy. To hire a professional genealogist please contact us. We have researchers near you that are available for hire.

Below are some tips to help you control your costs.

  • Gather information about your family as much as you possibly can. Use as many free resources as possible. We have listed Free Genealogy Services Resources in the previous post. Be sure to take advantage of them.
  • Break down a large project into minor tasks and pay for them periodically.
  • Stay informed about your costs by requesting reports and comprehensive billings.
  • Specify distinctly whether the hired researcher can bill for cost overruns and under what conditions should he do so.
  • Request other members of your family to help you meet the costs.

The Scope of Research

Genealogists generally spend the first few hours of a project to determine the goals of their clients, examine the problem and come up with a research plan. This differs considerably depending on the volume of the prior research.

Free Genealogy Assessment

The Process of Hiring

When you are considering to hire an individual, below are six steps you should follow:

  1. Determine the needs of your research. Before you hire, define the problem of your research and determine what you want to be done.
  2. Gather a list of professionals or genealogy companies. Alternatively, obtain a list of researchers by contacting libraries and genealogical firms around you.
  3. Reach out to the candidates. Call many individuals with relevant credentials and skills.
  4. Determine which of the several researchers you are going to hire. Before you decide, ask yourself the following questions:
    • Does the researcher understand your problem and has the ability to solve it?
    • Is the individual familiar with and can access the records that seem to be able to solve your research problem?
    • Is the candidate interested in working on your project?
    • Does he have the background and skills needed?
    • Are the rates appropriate?
  5. Sign an agreement. Make sure you make an agreement with the researcher or research company before he starts working on your research project
  6. Pay and give information to begin. Send the retainer to start the work. Share the information you may have. Send clean photocopies. Never give the original documents or materials that you have no copies of.

After determining a qualified individual, as for work samples and check review sites, but sure to check for research experience.

Stay in Touch with Your Researcher

When hiring a professional researcher, as your researcher continues working on your family history, make sure you communicate with him often. Continue to view work samples that are being provided. You can avoid many problems with good communication. Remember, you want to be part of the research and the mysteries that are uncovered. During the entire process be sure to ask lots of questions about all the family members you’re trying to uncover. This will avoid as many research problem as possible.

Genealogical Source Checklist

When you consider the cost to hiring a professional near you, you should also kinda the following genealogical resources as it pertains to your research needs.

Family and Home Records

Personal Knowledge
Family Bibles
Account Books
Baby Books
Citizenship Papers
Farm Records
Funeral Programs
Health/Medical Records
Journals, Diaries
Legal Papers

Complete Genealogical Source Checklist

Price Comparison

We’ve been in the industry for a long time so we know that not everyone can afford a large price tag – nor does their research require it. However, our competitors don’t seem to care. You be the judge.

5 Hour Package10 Hour Package20 Hour Package$795$1,272$2,226
progenealogists.comNot Offered$3,000$5,000
myheritage.comNot Offered$3,100$5,500
ancestry.comNot OfferedNot Offered$6,000

It’s essential to evaluate the offerings against your research goals and budget. Some genealogists might include additional services like document retrieval, DNA analysis interpretation, or detailed reports within these packages. RecordClick services do not charge additional fees. With others, always clarify what is included in the package to make an informed decision on the value you’re receiving for the price paid.

Why Choose RecordClick to Hire a Professional Genealogist?

At RecordClick, we take pride in our 94% success rate, showcasing our dedication to uncovering your family’s history with accuracy and detail. Our clients have direct communication with our team of professional genealogists, ensuring that your journey into the past is handled with personal care and professional expertise.

We’re committed to providing the best pricing for “Professional” services, making top-tier genealogical research affordable and accessible. You can see our genealogists’ skills in action on smaller projects, allowing you to gauge our work quality without a hefty initial commitment.

Above all, we’re a personable and trustworthy team. Our goal is to deliver great results, and we believe in building strong, trusting relationships with our clients as we navigate the story of their ancestry together.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Genealogist?

1. Deep Dive into History: Professional genealogists don’t just scratch the surface; they dive deep. They leverage specialized training in historical contexts and genealogical research methods to uncover details that most people would miss. Why did your ancestors move? What were their professions? These experts can often provide insights beyond names and dates, giving you a fuller picture of your heritage.

2. Efficiency and Time-Saving: Think about the hours spent trying to figure out old census records or ship manifests. With their experience, Genealogists can navigate these quickly, efficiently solving puzzles that might take weeks or months. This isn’t just about speed; it’s about making the most of your time, allowing you to enjoy the discoveries without the headache of the hunt.

3. Exclusive Access: There are treasure troves of information that aren’t digitized or publicly available online. Professionals often have access to exclusive databases, libraries, and archives. They might also belong to networks that allow them to go into corners of research you didn’t know existed.

For example, certain church records or private collections can hold the key to your family’s past, accessible only by those in the know.

4. Navigating Language Barriers and Geographical Challenges: If your ancestors hail from non-English speaking countries, language barriers can halt your research. A genealogist specializing in Italian or Chinese ancestry, for instance, brings language skills and understands the local nuances, geographically specific data, and historical context that might influence your family’s story.

They can interpret documents or communicate with foreign archives, tasks that might be insurmountable hurdles for you.

5. Problem-Solving Skills: Hitting a brick wall is common in genealogy research. Professional genealogists have encountered many such barriers and developed strategies to overcome them. Their problem-solving skills are honed through experience.

For instance, when direct records are missing, they know how to use indirect evidence to piece together the puzzle, a skill akin to detective work.

6. Accuracy and Avoiding Pitfalls: Genealogy research is fraught with potential errors. Misinterpretation of a record or following the wrong family line can lead your research problem take you astray for years.

Professionals bring a critical eye to the data, ensuring that the family tree you’re building is actually yours. Their expertise is particularly valuable when dealing with common names, where the risk of mixing up individuals is high.

7. Emotional Distance: While deeply personal, genealogy can also benefit from an objective viewpoint. Genealogy professionals can provide a level of detachment, making them less likely to jump to conclusions based on family lore or wishful thinking.

This doesn’t mean they’re cold or uncaring about your family history project; rather, they can help validate stories with evidence, ensuring the accuracy of your family narrative.

8. Presentation of Findings: The end result of professional genealogy research isn’t just a list of names and dates. It’s often a comprehensive report with documents, photos, and narratives that bring your ancestors to life. These presentations can become cherished family heirlooms passed down to future generations.

9. Ethical Considerations: Genealogy researchers adhere to a code of ethics, ensuring that sensitive information is handled with respect and privacy. This is especially crucial when dealing with adoptions, unknown parentage, or any potentially delicate family matters.


Can I hire someone to trace my family history?

Yes, all of the professional researchers listed above are available for hire. Simply use our free consultation form to give us an idea of the geographic location for what or who you’re searching for, and we can get helpful information and generate a quote for you, as well as give you an idea of the probability of success.

What services does a genealogy company offer?

A genealogy firm typically offers a range of services, including ancestry research, DNA test analysis, record retrieval, and help with lineage society applications, all performed by professional genealogists.

How do I know if genealogists are qualified?

Qualified genealogists often have accreditation from recognized genealogy bodies, have completed rigorous exams, and have a track record of professional experience and success in the field.

What is genealogy accreditation, and why is it important?

Genealogy accreditation is a process where genealogists are formally recognized for their expertise by a professional body. It ensures they have met specific standards of education and experience in genealogy research.

Does professional experience matter when choosing a genealogist?

Absolutely. Professional experience is crucial as it reflects the genealogist’s ability to tackle complex research tasks, navigate various types of records, and provide accurate and comprehensive findings.